Election Candidates for the NCPA Board of Directors
Below are the current candidates for the upcoming 2023 annual election. If you are interested in running for a board position, please submit your nomination form including a short bio, that will be posted here upon approval.
A reminder will be sent to the NCPA membership before the convention asking members to review the nominees before the 2023 NCPA Annual Business meeting to be held on August 12, 2023.
Click here to download the proxy form for voting if you’re not attending. All proxy forms must be returned to the NCPA by 8 am on Saturday, August 12th.
Jake Thone
President Elect Nominee
Office Name: A Center For Chiropractic & Alternative Medicine, P.C.
Chiropractic School Attended: Northwestern Health Sciences University
Years in Practice: 20
Years NCPA Member: 17
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials: American Chiropractic Association
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): Board of Directors: Vice-President, Secretary, Northeast District Rep, Peer Review, Membership Committee
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? My goal is to promote and protect patient access to chiropractic services in Nebraska, strengthen reimbursements for member doctors, and expand access to high quality continuing education.
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? I will advocate for improved access to online continuing education courses that the NCPA offers, which will allow more choices for when, where, and how doctors get their hours.
: My wife and I have been practicing chiropractic together for the last 17 years in Norfolk, Nebraska. We have 3 kids ages 10, 12, and 14.
Contact Information: 402-316-9701 or drjakethone@gmail.com
Omaha District
Michael Price
Omaha District Representative Nominee
Office Name: Koca Chiropractic
Chiropractic School Attended: Palmer College
Years in Practice: 15
Years NCPA Member: 5
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials: Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers (ACP)
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): None
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? To serve the Chiropractic profession and uphold the principles for which it stands on
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? Inspire non-members to become members of the NCPA and encourage and lead members of the NCPA to grow the profession.
: I plan to use my 15+ years of experience in full family practice in a multi-doctor clinic to help other Chiropractors see what’s possible for their practice and the impact they can make in their communities.
Contact Information: 402-960-2806 or mikepricedc@gmail.com
Jennifer Howard
Omaha District Representative Nominee
Office Name: Schrage Chiropractic
Chiropractic School Attended: Palmer College
Years in Practice: 15
Years NCPA Member: 15
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials: Life Chiropractic College West-Bellevue Campus Director, ICPA CACCP plus Perinatal, Bellevue & Sarpy co Chamber
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): District Representative, Secretary, Vice President
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? I’d like to continue to be a voice at the table. Enjoy being a part of the NCPA board and representing the chiropractic profession. I will continue to promote chiropractic in the state of Nebraska and beyond. I would love to collaborate with my Life West connection and the NCPA to bring more opportunities and bigger speaker names to our state.
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? Continue to promote NCPA by providing a direct link to Life West students. Provide opportunities for local doctors to be involved directly on campus with student mentorship
: Recently stepped out of the Vice President role on the Executive Board. I did not see myself being able to allocate enough time as the future President with being involved in the startup of Life West’s Nebraska campus. Additionally I stepped down from the executive board to not pose a conflict of interest.
Contact Information: 402-210-1431 or drjennyhoward@gmail.com
Western District
Trevor Eirich
Western District Representative Nominee - Incumbent
Office Name: Chimney Rock Chiropractic
Chiropractic School Attended: Cleveland Chiropractic College
Years in Practice: 11
Years NCPA Member: 11
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials: American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): Western District Representative and Medicaid Representative
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? I have been on the board for 6 years in total and want to continue to lead our profession in the right direction. While doing so I want to help the doctors in my region with any problems that may arise.
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? I plan to contribute by helping to further our strategic plan and push our State Organization to grow for our state doctors and our profession as a whole. There is a lot of change on the horizon, as there has been over the past decade, and I feel with my experience on the board, I can continue to help keep the NCPA headed in the right direction.
Contact Information:308-631-2489 or drtrevor@chimneyrockchiropractic.com
South Central District
Andrew Spracklin
South Central District Representative Nominee
Office Name: Spracklin Chiropractic
Chiropractic School Attended: National University of Health Sciences
Years in Practice: 11
Years NCPA Member: 11
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials:
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): None
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? Fresh and new perspective on the current landscape of the profession on a state level and to continue to promote the profession. Maintain/build a strong scope of practice and a profession friendly environment within the state of Nebraska.
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? I would like to see more communication within the district and from the home office in Omaha. Expansion of online continuing education hours to bring the profession in line with other healthcare professionals in the state. Increase input and interaction within the district with questions/concerns that can be brought before the board.
Contact Information: 402-677-3783 or aspracklinpc@gmail.com
Central District
Tara Sutton
Central District Representative Nominee - Incumbent
Office Name: Sutton Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractic School Attended: Logan College of Chiropractic
Years in Practice: 16
Years NCPA Member: 16
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials:
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): Central District Representative
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? I would like to serve on the board as my way of supporting the Chiropractic profession and the Doctors in Nebraska. I would also like to honor my dad’s legacy by continued service to the board.
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? Having been raised in the chiropractic profession, I feel that I can provide the perspectives of both the current practicing doctor and the chiropractor that understands the history of our association. I hope to help navigate the future of the association while still protecting what we stand for as a group.
Contact Information: 308-280-0321 or drtarasutton@yahoo.com
At Large Representative
David Kassmeier
At Large Representative Nominee - Incumbent
Office Name: Davis & Kassmeier Chiropractic
Chiropractic School Attended: National College of Chiropractic
Years in Practice: 30
Years NCPA Member: 31
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials: Past board member and Pres. of the Congress of Chiropractic State Association.
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): Dist. rep, Sec., V.P., Pres. elect, Pres, Past Pres., At large
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? I have always had a desire to see the profession grow and be defended here in Nebraska as well as nationally.
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? Continue on being highly involved with the board and meeting topics.
Contact Information: 402-640-1711 or drkass21@gmail.com
Peer Review – Position 1
Eric Benson
Peer Review Position 1 - Nominee
Office Name: ChiroPlus Healthcare PC
Chiropractic School Attended: National
Years in Practice: 34
Years NCPA Member: 34
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials:
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): Board member/Peer Review/Medicaid/ACA
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? Experience and training is appropriate to the desired task to serve my colleagues.
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? Frank collaborative input to the situation at hand.
: From time to time we all need someone who has experienced what it is like to have records and treatment plans challenged give a straightforward opinion that is not coerced by extraneous factors.
Lyle Koca
Peer Review Position 1 -Nominee
Office Name: Koca Chiropractic
Chiropractic School Attended: Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport, Iowa
Years in Practice: 35
Years NCPA Member: 34
Professional Affiliations or Additional Education Credentials: Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers (ACP), Diplomate in Chiropractic Philosophy (DPhCS)
Previous Positions Held within the NCPA (if any): ICA Rep
Why are you interested in serving on the NCPA board? To maintain the integrity of the Chiropractic Profession
How do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the NCPA? Encourage NON-Members to become Members and encourage Members to become active.
: 35 years of Full Time Multi Doctor Practice
Contact Information: 402-650-5179 or drlylekoca@kocachiropractic.com